
Upcoming Events
JW Events
Soul & Motown General Admission Tickets

General Admission Ticket includes reserved seat at a shared table of (8); soul food dinner; sweet tea/lemonade.

  • Cash Bar (not included)
  • Dessert Bar (not included)

Sunday Dinner Entrees (includes mixed green salad, buttered cornbread muffin, & choice of 2 sides)

  • Southern Fried Chicken
  • Baked Chicken
  • Fried Catfish

Sides (do not choose)

  • Fresh Collard Greens
  • Down South Black Eye Peas
  • Southern Baked Mac & Cheese
  • Southern Candied Yams
  • Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy
  • Cornbread Dressing
Soul & Motown VIP Tickets

VIP Ticket includes reserved seat at a shared table of (5); soul food dinner; sweet tea and lemonade, wine & beer open bar; and dessert bar.

Sunday Dinner Entrees (includes mixed green salad, buttered cornbread muffin, & choice of 2 sides)

  • Southern Fried Chicken
  • Baked Chicken
  • Fried Catfish

Sides (do not choose)

  • Fresh Collard Greens
  • Down South Black Eye Peas
  • Southern Baked Mac & Cheese
  • Southern Candied Yams
  • Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy
  • Cornbread Dressing